Generally the question is: How long does it take to “get good” at martial arts? This question troubles most people because nobody has ever provided a clear guidance. The typical answer was never helpful to the new practitioners:
"It depends on how hard you train"
"It depends on how talented you are"
"It depends on how good you want to be"
And of course, there is the,
"Martial arts is a lifelong journey and we seek to continuously improve throughout our whole life!"
While true, it really doesn’t help the serious novice practitioner that wants to see progress and measure progress.
Fortunately, traditional wisdom has provided guidance on this topic. In Chinese, it is 功能不過百日 (gong bu guo bai ri). This is translated to Kungfu in 100 days. There’s the answer, 100 days to have noticeable improvement in one area.
The significance of 100 Days: Why 100 days? Because that is the nature that we live in.
There are 100 days in a season.
There are 100 days in an academic quarter.
The Daoist alchemical practice includes the saying: “A hundred days to build the foundation, three years to complete the elixir.”
Similarly, in the practice of Tai Chi, the concept of “transforming the body into the hands” is also considered foundational training.
Even in Adam Hsu’s book, he mentions: 脱胎换骨百日功 Hundred Days to Rebirth and Transformation Practice

100 days will not make you a master. But if you zero in and focus on an area, you should be able to make obvious improvements in 100 days. When I say 100 days, I mean do it everyday for 100 days. Not once a week for 100 days. If you do it every other day, it will take you 6 months. If you do it twice a week, it will take a full year. If you do it once a week, it will take 2 years. You have to do it for 100 days. And you can make 100 days last a bit over 3 months, or 10 years, it’s up to you. Just realize there’s about 12 other Gongs to focus on. So it could take you 3 years for all of them, or 120 years. Why drag it out?
Every Gong / milestone has a very specific focus on why we are doing it. For us, this is the breakout.
Milestone 1
Focus: Stationary Structure / Standing Post
- Stance (30m)
- Post: Small Steps – Bridge to next step (10m)
- Post: Piercing Palm and Change Palm (15m)
Milestone 2
Focus: Moving Structure / Moving Frame
Milestone 3
Focus: Lower Body Flexibility, Footwork
- 12 Kicks (12m)
- Calf Stretch (12m)
- Footwork & Steps (12m)
Milestone 4
Focus: Stationary Power Generation & Opening Lower Hips
- Post: Low Horse Stance (2m)
- Horse Stance: Block & Punches (6m)
- Bow Stance: Blocks & Punches (6m)
- Tiger Stance: Blocks & Punches (6m)
Milestone 5
Focus: Long Power & Momentum Power & Arm Range of Motion
- 3000 Single Strikes / day (90m)
- E.g. Needle at Sea Bottom
- E.g. Immortal Set
- High Side Fist Plank (10m)
Milestone 6
Focus: Bow and Horse Stance Frames & Generating Power While Moving Linearly
- Tan Tui (300 reps / day)
- Five Elements (300 reps / day)
Milestone 7
Focus: High Probability Apps & Shape Concept & Power Gen. While Moving on Curve
- Bagua Old 3 Palms (300 changes / day)
Milestone 8
Focus: Short, Fast, Frequent Power Generation
Milestone 9
Focus: Fixed Coordinated Drills for Timing, Distance, and Reaction
- One-Step
- 3 Hand Cannon
- Post: 5 Elements Destruction & Creation Cycle
- An Shen Pao
Milestone 10
Focus: Semi-Coordinated Drills for Timing, Distance, and Reaction
- Push Hands
- Partner Line Drills
Milestone 11
Focus: Uncoordinated Drills for Timing, Distance, and Reaction
- 100 Fights / Sparring Sessions
Milestone 12
Focus: Change, Fluidity, Flow
- Bagua 8 Palm Changes
- Xingyi 12 Animals
- Chuan [mixed] Tan Tui
There you have it. Since we’re at the end of the year, good time to pick out the 4 Gongs you want to work on next year. And start the first one NOW.