The Five Elements Theory
This is a super short form that covers the Five Elements theory.
Just like rock, scissors, paper, lizard, Spock, the Five Element Theory could be a little confusing at first.
But the same chart depicts both the Creation Cycle and the Destruction Cycle.
Creation Cycle
If you go counter clockwise in order, this is the creation cycle:
- Metal (pots and pans) gather Water
- Water the trees grows the tree (Wood)
- Wood (logs) help create stronger Fire
- Fire burns things down into ashes that go back to Earth
- Earth creates iron ores (Metal)
Destruction Cycle
If you skip one counter clockwise, this is the destruction cycle:
- Metal (axe) splits Wood (logs)
- Wood sucks away nutrients from the Earth
- Earth accretes and accumulates over Water
- Water puts out Fire
- Fire melts Metal
Individual Set
The short form when performed by an individual, follows the order of the Creation Cycle, starting with Wood:
#1. Wood: Two Thrusting Fists
#2. Fire: One Cannon Fist
#3. Earth: Three Crossing Fists (two as blocks, one as attack)
#4. Metal: Splitting Fist / Eagle Claw
#5. Water: Two Drilling Fists
Partner Set
The same exact order can be performed in a partner set, which the order of movements for the individual is still the same, but the counters follow the Destruction Cycle.
Here’s the break down:
- Chop Wood (Thrusting Fist) with Metal (Splitting Fist / Eagle Catch)
- Melt Metal (Splitting Fist) with Fire (Cannon Fist)
- Put out Fire (Cannon Fist) with Water (Drilling Fist)
- Cover Water (Drilling Fist) through Earth accretion (Crossing Fist)
- Suck out the nutrients of Earth (Crossing Fist) to grow a tree / Wood (Thrusting Fist)
- Cycle Repeats